Nexone - How to Check Through Listings and Transactions {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

This is how to check through all of the listings and transactions on Nexone:

(here is a video taking you through a few listings and transactions)

Once you log in to Nexone, start with the “Listings” tab in the top left corner.

  • Once in this screen, you can adjust your settings on the right hand side of the screen to show the type of listings you want. For this, select

    • Kit, Active, Conditional, and Pending.

  • Select your first listing and check through the “Profile” tab

  • Make sure that the “Status” is correct and that all necessary fields are filled out.

  • On the right hand side of the page, you will see a list of links you can select. Choose “Documents”.

    • Nexone will tell you if you are missing any documents. Make a note of what you are missing and upload. Be sure to select the “Document Type” when you upload your document(s)

  • If a Listing is Conditional, make sure you have allocated the commission on the “Profile” page

  • Open the Google Drive folder associated with this Transaction and make sure you have saved all of the documents as well as the Signatures of Evidence Summaries

Once you have gone through the “Listings” tab, move over to the “Transactions” tab, which is also located at the top of the page to the right of “Listings” and “Clients” (we do not need to look through the “Clients” tab).

  • Under the “Profile” tab;

    • Is the Status correct?

    • When the status is changed it changes what fields needs to be edited and what documents are required.

    • You can find all of the information for the “Profile” tab on the Agreement of Purchase and Sale or Agreement to Lease

  • Under the “Conditions” tab;

    • Are there any conditions due?

    • Make sure that if there are conditions that

      • The date the condition is set to firm up is correct (check to see if there have been any Amendments to the date)

      • Set Reminders for each condition

  • Under the “Contacts” tab;

    • You should have information for legal representation for both the buyer and the seller side.

    • There are some unique exceptions where you may be waiting a bit for this information, however, as a general rule, as soon as a deal goes Conditional or Firm, you should have both sides info.

    • Make sure you click the box at the top of this tab that says “Office/Accounting, please send documents to lawyer”. You will e-mail them directly to the lawyer regardless, but this will ensure no documents are missed.

  • Under the “Agents” tab;

    • You should have both your agent(s) as well as the agent(s) of the other side of the deal added in and commission allocated correctly.

    • For the listing side, make sure you allocate commission in ALL fields for both sides

    • For the buying side, you only have to allocate your side’s commission

    • You can find the commission information on the Confirmation of Co-operation

    • If this is a deal involving your Buyer’s Agent, make sure you allocate the commission to the lead agent and make a note under the “Note” tab under your side how the commission is split.

  • Under the “Clients” tab;

    • Make sure you have your client recorded as well as the name(s) of the clients from the other side.

    • Make sure the drop down menu selecting which side the client is from is set correctly

    • You do not need all the contact information for the other side’s clients

  • Under the “Tasks” tab;

    • We do not typically use this tab, but check it regardless

  • Under the “Note” tab';

    • This is where you would note the commission split if you have a Buyer’s Agent.

    • Be sure to make this note in the notes portion that is NOT shared with the other side.

  • Under the “Appr.” tab';

    • This is where you will see who has approved the transaction.

    • Approve once the sale goes Conditional or Firm and do one further look through the entire file to make sure you did not miss anything

Now that you have gone through all of the tabs, move over to the right hand side of the screen where you will see a set of hyperlinks.

  • Select “Documents”

  • Nexone will alert you if you are missing any documents.

  • If this is a new file or you are not 100% confident that all the paperwork has been signed, open each document to ensure that they are fully signed

  • Make sure each document is labeled appropriately under document type

  • If you are able to edit the document name (this is sometimes not possible if the other side uploaded it), be sure to change to format to “123 Main Street - Name of Document”

  • Open the Google Drive folder associated with this Transaction and make sure you have saved all of the documents as well as the Signatures of Evidence Summaries

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