2024 AP - Launch Quarterly Print Newsletter {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}


To increase number of yearly transactions by increasing repeat, referral and sphere-of-influence marketing with a quarterly print newsletter. This newsletter demontrates our professionalism and knowledge (trust) and reminds past clients and sphere who we are and what we do (awareness).


The newsletter will a folded 11x17 paper, which gives us four “pages” to work with. Because we’re only printing four times per year we can afford better printing and a large format.

Page 1: Market Overview and Personal Introduction

  • Header and Introduction: A warm welcome message from you, possibly including a recent photo of yourself or your team (Karim Ali, Chelsea Angus, and Hannah Manierka) to personalize it.

  • Market Summary: An overview of the current real estate market in Ottawa. Include key statistics like average home prices, trends in the market, and how they compare to previous quarters.

  • QR Code: Linking to a more detailed market analysis on your website.

Page 2: Featured Listings and Success Stories

  • Featured Listings: Highlight a few properties that you have listed, with attractive photos and key details. This not only showcases what's available but also demonstrates your active role in the market.

  • Success Stories/Testimonials: Share brief stories or quotes from clients you've recently helped successfully buy or sell a home. This builds trust and shows potential clients the value you provide.

  • QR Code: Linking to more listings or detailed success stories on your website.

Page 3: Tips and Advice

  • Homeowner Tips: Offer valuable advice for homeowners, such as home maintenance tips, renovation ideas, or energy-saving strategies.

  • Buying/Selling Tips: Provide insights for those considering buying or selling, like how to prepare for home viewings, mortgage advice, or market timing tips.

  • QR Code: Link to an educational section on your website with more comprehensive guides or blog posts.

Page 4: Community Focus and Personal Touch

  • Local Events and News: Share information about local events in Ottawa, community projects, or notable developments that impact the community and real estate market.

  • Personal Section: A brief update about you and your family (e.g., mentioning your wife Gillian and children Jack and Aaron in a casual, non-intrusive way) to create a personal connection.

  • Invitation for Feedback/Contact: Encourage readers to contact you for their real estate needs, ask questions, or provide feedback on the newsletter.

  • QR Code: Linking to a contact form on your website or a section about community involvement.

Remember to maintain a professional yet approachable tone throughout the newsletter. High-quality images, clean layout, and engaging content are key. Also, ensure that the QR codes are easily scannable and lead directly to relevant pages on your website. This format not only informs your clients but also subtly prompts them to engage with your services.

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