Forms - Buyer Intake Form {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Intended Result

Intended to consistently deliver high-quality service for Buyer clients by creating a standard intake.


Our team uses a Buyer intake form to gather information from a new client before seeing homes with them. It is based on a system created by Dave Millette and Nick Fundytus with help from Stephanie Ross, and further informed by The High Performing Real Estate Team.

This Checklist is client-facing and makes our service high-quality and repeatable.


  • Our Buyer Intake Form can be found here. It should not be edited directly for specific clients. It is a template and can be added to a Drive folder by creating a new checklist from the template in Drive.

How to Use

  • The admin assistant is responsible for ensuring that this checklist exists for every active client and is completed. The admin assistant may ask an agent to set this up, but is responsible for following up to ensure that it is done.

  • Setting up this checklist should take no more than 5 minutes.

  • This checklist should be set up immediately upon receiving a new client or warm lead.

  1. Using the template, add 0051 - Buyer Client Intake Form to the client’s file in Drive. If the client does not yet have a file, create one.

  2. Replace the words “Buyer Client Checklist” in the title with the client name(s) and add their name on Line 3.

  3. Add the link to this checklist in the client’s Followup Boss page under “Files.” Be sure to change the link permission to allow access to all members of our team (but not the public).

  4. Update this checklist throughout the process until the Seller closes. Remind agents if there are jobs missed.

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