How to create a YouTube Thumbnail {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

How to Create a Thumbnail for a Youtube Video

  1. Go to VistaCreate to create a thumbnail photo

    1. Team Designs > duplicate an existing Youtube thumbnail design > move it into the “Working-YT’ tab to begin editing.

    2. Change the background image and text to reflect the property you’re designing the thumbnail for.

      1. Retrieving the image: Go to Google Drive> 2023 > Property > Still photos > download a photo of your choosing.

      2. In VistaCreate > go to team uploads > create a new folder for the property you are working on if there is no existing one > upload the image.

      3. Edit the Phrase to reflect the property e.g., “1-of-a-Kind 1-Bedroom. Modish, Artsy, and in the Clouds”. See previous YouTube thumbnails for guidance.

  2. Once finished, download your creation as a JPEG.

  3. Log into Nick Fundytus' Youtube account

    1. Go to channel and select the correct video

    2. Click ‘upload thumbnail’

    3. Save changes

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