How to Cancel a Listing {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Cancelling a listing is a simple process. You will need:

  • from WebForms, OREA form #242 “Cancellation of Listing Agreement - Authority to Offer for Sale”

  • property address

  • name of Seller

  • MLS number

  • L/BR ID. # (if you have it)

  • Agreement expiry date

  • reason for cancellation

  1. Fill out the paperwork in WebForms and download as a PDF

  2. Upload to the appropriate listing under the “Listings” tab on NexOne

  3. Change the name of the document to “PROPERTY ADDRESS - Listing Cancellation” and set the document type as “Listing Cancellation”

  4. Set up the document for signatures. You will need the signature of the Sellers as well as one of the brokerage managers (Keri McGee and Russ Perkins at the moment). The listing agent(s) doesn’t sign the document

    1. If you want a signed example, go to the “Listings” tab in NexOne and filter using the check boxes on the right to see only “Cancelled” listings

  5. Once the paperwork comes back signed, send it to the admin at our brokerage ( and ask them to cancel the listing on Matrix

  6. In the mean time, you can remove the listing from our website, (or whatever link in bio we are using), and cancel any paid advertising

  7. Once you have confirmation that the listing is cancelled, go into NexOne and switch over the Status to “Cancelled”

  8. Let the listing agent know once everything is done

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