Contests - How to Export from KingSumo to Bombbomb {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

The purpose of this is to ensure that we are connecting with everyone who has entered our giveaways.

  1. log in to Kingsumo after the giveaway is done

  2. Select the green “Contestants” number that corresponds with the giveaway

  3. Click “Export CSV” in top right corner

  4. It will export a CSV file to your download bar

  5. Open Bombbomb

  6. Select “Contacts” in top left menu

  7. Select the list you wish to add to (on left side of screen)

  8. Select “Add People”

  9. Select “Upload”

  10. Select ““Browse / File Name”

  11. Select your file

  12. It will upload the contacts and show

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