Ongoing Listing Client Weekly Market Reports {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

This market report is compiled every Thursday morning for all active and conditional listings as well as any buyer clients. Nick uses this information to inform our clients on the current market weekly.

The market report form can be found under the third (Market Watch) and fourth (Feedback [only for listings]) tabs in the seller intake Google Sheet.

This is what a seller market report looks like:

How to record for Active Buyers

Here is a VIDEO of how to record the market reports for both buyers and sellers.

The buyer intake form stats are very simple and just include the first 4 lines under MLS (Matrix) as we are only recording how many properties have come up in the last week within their portal search that fit their criteria that are newly listed, conditionally sold, or sold firm. This is to show what is happening in the market at this time.

  1. You will need to first create a list of active ongoing clients to create the reports for.

  2. Open Matrix and choose “My Matrix” drop down menu from the top of the page and select “Auto Emails”

  3. Type the name of the buyer into the search and select

  4. Select “Criteria”

  5. Edit ONLY the “Conditional” and “Sold” dates to a date range of last Friday to today. Leave “Active” empty but select the checkbox to the left.

  6. Scroll down and select the number of results

  7. Sort by “List Date” and record the number of listings that have been added since the previous Thursday

  8. Sort the column titled “St” with an arrow so that it shows all sold, conditional, and active properties grouped together and record the number of Conditionally Sold properties (CS)

  9. Sort the “Sold Date” column so that all of the sold dates are listed from most recent at the top and record how many have sold firm since the previous Thursday.

  10. Sort “St” again, but this time to show all of the Active (A) properties at the top and record that number as the number of active properties.


How to record for Active Listings

Here is a VIDEO of how to record the market reports for sellers.

  1. You will need to first create a list of active ongoing clients to create the reports for.

  2. To record the number of showings and the feedback from both showings and open houses, open Matrix and scroll down until you see a hyperlink that says “Showingtime”

  3. Select “Listings” from the left side of the screen, select “My Listings” and then the listing you would like the info for

  4. Select “Listing Activity Report” in the blue button list ad scroll down until you see showing dates

  5. Record the number of new showings since the previous Thursday and add any comments in to the cell below

  6. Select “Criteria”

  7. To record the next 4 items, do the same as you did for Buyers. Open Matrix and choose “My Matrix” drop down menu from the top of the page and select “Auto Emails”

  8. Type the name of the client or their property into the search and select

  9. Edit ONLY the “Conditional” and “Sold” dates to a date range of last Friday to today. Leave “Active” empty but select the checkbox to the left.

  10. Scroll down and select the number of results

  11. Sort by “List Date” and record the number of listings that have been added since the previous Thursday

  12. Sort the column titled “St” with an arrow so that it shows all sold, conditional, and active properties grouped together and record the number of Conditionally Sold properties (CS)

  13. Sort the “Sold Date” column so that all of the sold dates are listed from most recent at the top and record how many have sold firm since the previous Thursday.

  14. Sort “St” again, but this time to show all of the Active (A) properties at the top and record that number as the number of active properties.

  15. To find the # of client portals listing is active within, in Matrix, select “My Matrix” and then select “My Listings”

  16. Make sure it is set to show “My Hit Counters”

  17. Record the number of client portals the listing is active within (if this is not the first week, do the math to see how many of each of these stats the number has gone up [ex: 839 (+17)]. This will make it easier to communicate the stats in the video you will record

  18. Record the number of client views

  19. Record the number of client favourites

  20. Record the number of views in the last 14 days

  21. To fill out the information from, navigate to the agent view side of and log in as Nick

  22. Select the drop down menu labeled “My Tools” and then select “My Listing Statistics”

  23. All active listings will be listed below. Record the number of days active, number of views, number of views of photos, and how many favourited the listing.

  24. For Social Channels, this is any paid marketing we are doing for the listing. Currently, we are only doing paid advertising on Meta, so Instagram and Facebook. Ask Hannah (our marketer) for any stats for current listings before you start your reports so that she has time to collect it. You are looking for any info including if there is a new ad being launched, any changes made, how many leads the ad collected, how many times it was viewed and by how many people. Record this information under the “Social Channels” part of the intake form.

  25. On tab 4 of the intake form, record any feedback you have received and try to collect as much as possible via phone first and then email. I recommend collecting through the week so that you do not have to collect it all at once. Include the name of the agent, the date the showing took place, and any feedback they have from their showing. Be sure to ask how they found the property, their impressions on the home and price, clients impression, and if they have any questions about the listing.

  26. Include any feedback if there was an Open House hosted on the weekend. Get the agent to send the information in Google Spaces.

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