Drive - How to Organize Google Drive {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}


A description of how Google Drive is organized for our team, as well as naming rules for files associated with trades.

How Google Drive is Organized

Lead and admin both have access to everything in Drive/Fundytus_Realty including all subfolders.

Within /Fundytus_Realty, there are four main types of folders:

  1. /CEO and all its subfolders, containing sales and marketing materials

  2. /COO and all its subfolders, containing past clients and listings

  3. /CFO and all its subfolders, containing clerical, expense and tax information

  4. Buyer folders, named /Buyername/

  5. Seller folders, named /Address Seller/

The main /Fundytus_Realty folder also contains various google files (docs, sheets, etc.) unsorted.

Naming Conventions for Files

Within files for trades, all .pdf files associated with the trade are to be named in a uniform fashion so that they are easily searched, as the following:


For example, the Agreement of Purchase and Sale for 21 North Harrow Road is called:

Fundytus Realty/21 North Harrow Road Salvation Army/21 North Harrow APS.pdf

Commonly Used Abbreviations and Their Meanings:

  • WWR - Working with a Realtor

  • Buyer Rep - Buyer Representation Agreement

  • CCR - Confirmation of Cooperation and Representation

  • APS - Agreement of Purchase and Sale

  • Listing Agreement - Listing Agreement

  • NOF - Notice of Fulfillment of Conditions

  • Status Cert - Condominium Status Certificate

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