Mathematics: what is it for? {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

What is maths for? Do you struggle with Maths anxiety? You think Maths is useless - after all, what good use is it to know the derivative formulas in everyday life? Often unloved, mathematics is nevertheless of great use in everyday life.

What is maths for?

Be able to study that interests you

For languages, children from wealthy families who travel often have more opportunities to practice foreign languages ​​than children from disadvantaged families.

Faced with this observation, school selection is done above all by mathematics - a subject which makes it possible to put all the students on an equal footing. After all, reasoning or a result can only be right or wrong, there is no in-between. So working well in mathematics is useful to be able to do the studies that you like!

Find a well-paying job

Mathematics is omnipresent: the cashier must know how to count quickly to give change. The airplane pilot must take into account the distance to be covered, the size of the airplane, the direction of the wind and make calculations about air pressure.

Being talented in mathematics can help you find a job, often well paying (usually 2 or more monthly minimum wage). Here are some jobs (non-exhaustive list) reserved for talented people in mathematics:

  • IT developer (mathematical rigor),

  • Market research manager (statistics)

  • Actuary (risk management in insurance or banking)

  • Big Data

  • Accountant

  • Consultant

  • Engineering

  • project management

  • business Finance

  • Mathematics teacher [National education, private lessons…]


Be able to problem solve

Mathematics consists above all in asking yourself what tools (raw information, formulas…) are available to you to go from point A to point B. Sometimes a method does not work. You must try the following one until you achieve your goals!

Setting up a business is exactly the same.

 You have to be rigorous and follow a very specific methodology. Do you have a dream, do you want to create a certain product or service (the place where you want to go)? It is important to take the time to think about where you are now (your strengths, your weaknesses). You need to calculate the profitability of your project, do market and competition research, assess your financing needs, and determine the steps to take to turn your idea into reality. And you have to get started. You will regularly make mistakes, you will mess up, but by methodically trying each strategy one by one, you will eventually achieve success! In short, it's the same as solving a very complex maths problem!

Make sound decisions

Knowing the basics of mathematics allows you to make good decisions. This allows you, for example, to calculate how many times you have to go to the cinema to make an unlimited subscription profitable. Knowing that a gym at 40 $ per month actually costs you 480 $ per year allows you to decide to keep (or terminate) the subscription in full knowledge of the facts. Calculating the cost of a home based on whether you are renting it or buying it will allow you to choose the right decision.


Save money

Mastering mathematics allows you to save a lot of money. Personally, I have a friend who borrowed a 5% interest rate to buy a house. In the meantime, interest rates have fallen to 3%. He thought the difference was minimal, but when in doubt, he calculated what he would have saved if he had borrowed at 3%: $ 12,000 less interest.

Preserving the environment

This friend then renegotiated the terms of his loan with his bank. Balance sheet: $ 10,000 in interest saved over the life of the loan! He partially reinvested this money to improve the insulation of his house, which allows him to reduce his heating bills and his CO 2 emissions every month.


What is maths for? While traveling, your maths skills will help you mentally calculate how many Japanese yen, Thai baht, or Canadian dollars you are going to be able to get from your 200 $ at the bureau of currency exchange. Do you want to call your friends who have stayed home? Using maths, you can figure out what time it is (including the time difference) so you can call them without disturbing them in the middle of the night.

The final word

Being good at maths (at least in methodology and mathematical logic) will help you get the baccalaureate. If you don't know how to, try using books, courses, or an Online Maths tutor. This will help you get the education you want and increase your chances of finding a meaningful, well-paying job. Being good at maths will allow you to make good financial decisions, which will allow you to finance many trips - or outings to restaurants, or concerts ... in short, to make you happy. Being good at maths will also give you a better understanding of the world.


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