How Soon After Feeding Time Should You Burp Your Baby? {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

For most new parents, having a baby in the house for the first time is both exciting and terrifying. You worry about doing things right, you worry about doing things wrong and you wonder whether you’re doing the things you’re supposed to be doing at all.

Wondering how soon after feeding time you should burp your baby is one common question new parents face. Thankfully, there’s lots of time-tested advice out there from experienced parents who have been in your shoes. Burping your baby is an important part of keeping your little one happy since a baby’s digestive system is still developing. Trapped air from taking in too much milk or formula can lead to an upset tummy and a cranky baby, and burping helps to relieve this pressure.

What Experts Recommend

Most baby experts and experienced parents recommend burping a baby after every few ounces of milk or formula. This helps to prevent too much air from building up and causing stomach pain. If you aren’t able to measure the exact number of ounces consumed, consider burping after every five minutes.

How Should You Burp Your Baby?

Before you burp your baby, try to have some type of protective piece of fabric available to avoid messes. Cotton newborn burp cloths are available from a variety of stores and online shops. These are usually machine-washable and can be used to keep your clothes and furniture clean in case of some spit-up.

There are different techniques for burping a baby, but one of the most common is to hold your baby on your lap, supporting their weight by placing a hand on their chest while holding the head and neck at the same time.

Gently lean your baby forward, and place your cotton newborn burp cloths in front of your baby or drape one across your baby’s chest. Gently pat your baby’s back until they either burp or spit out some milk or formula. This process can take around 10 minutes in some cases, but if it goes on longer, your baby may not need to burp.

Talk to Your Pediatrician

Parents of babies are encouraged to work closely with their pediatricians for personalized advice. Every baby is different, and your pediatrician can provide guidance that speaks to your little one’s unique healthcare needs.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about organic and used baby clothes and gifts. You can find her thoughts at newborn clothing blog.

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