3 Things That Influence Your Electric Bill {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Electricity in your home powers everything from your lighting to your smartphone, and without electricity, life would look a lot different. Unfortunately, although electricity is a virtual necessity these days, power bills can be expensive.

You may even say to yourself, “I need to figure out how to save money on my energy bill,” as you look at your costs each month. Thankfully, there are several ways to reduce power bill costs, and many are easier than you think. Below are three things that influence your electric bill along with ways to save money:

1. Change Your Thermostat Setting

HVAC systems can use a lot of energy, especially during extreme outdoor temperatures. What you may not realise is that by changing your thermostat by even a few degrees, you could save a lot of money each year on electricity costs.

The next time you find yourself saying, “I need to figure out how to save money on my energy bill,” try changing your thermostat by two degrees in one direction or the other. During the winter, try making it two degrees colder indoors and put on a sweater. During the summer, set the indoor temperature two degrees higher and put on shorts. This can help save money while keeping you comfortable.

2. Unplug Chargers

Many people have phone chargers that stay plugged into the wall 24 hours a day, but even when not in use, these devices still draw electricity. Unplug wall chargers and other devices when not in use to save on electricity costs. Keep chargers nearby, and when you need to charge your phone or laptop, simply plug them back in again.

3. Turn Off the Lights

You can also save money on energy costs by turning off lights in rooms no one is occupying. Get into the habit of flipping

off the light switch whenever you leave a room. If you have traditional light bulbs, consider changing them out for energy-efficient LED bulbs to save even more.

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Emily Clarke writes about cash advances, overdraft protection & finance apps. You can find her thoughts at cash advance app blog.

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