New Ammo {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

To add a new type of ammo you need to add a new row to the E_AmmoType enumeration by pressing the “New” button on the right side of the screen (Picture 70).

Picture 70 - Ammo enumeration

To initialize information about new types of ammo you need to create a new row in the DT_Ammo data table. 

Picture 71 - Ammo data table

You can set the created ammo type  to any weapon now (Picture 72). This weapon will use this ammo and check if you have this type of ammo in your inventory. 

Picture 72- Set ammo of the weapon

Now you need to create a new row with a new type of ammo in the items data table. You need to do this to be able to store ammo in the inventory and create interactable actor to pick up ammo. 

Picture 73- Information about the ammo in the items data table

To create an interactable ammo actor you need to make sure you have an ammo row in the items data table. Then you need to create a child blueprint from the BP_InteractableAmmo (Picture 74).

Picture 74- Interactable ammo

Picture 75- Ammo row in the items data table

In this interactable ammo actor you need to initialize the actor variable created row in the items data table (Picture 76). 

Picture 76- Actor information in the interactable object

Make sure your Location is (-1;-1) in the helper. You can also set the interact sound and interact text for your ammo box.

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