Set SpawnPoint
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Procedural Spawn Point Need Use Landscape Layer,If You Not Use That,Please Manual Placement
1.View your Landscape LayerName and remember you want use(In example,we will use "Grass")

2.Right click BP_LayerSpawnerPoint blueprint,create a child blueprint and rename to "BP_LayerSpawnerPoint_Grass"

3.Open child blueprint,and set LayerName to "Grass"

4.Create a FoliageActor,ActorClass set to your created child bluerpint,add IncludeLayer "Grass"(about FoliageActor setting please view UE Official Documents)

5.Add to PFS_LayerSpawnPoint Procedural Foliage Simulation

6.After adding the spawnpoint foliage ,create ProceduralFoliageVolume And cover the area you want to generate

7.FoliageSpawner set to PFS_LayerSpawnPoint,click Resimulate,AI SpawnPoint will spawn on your setting layer

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