Graph Editor Basics {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

1. Graph Editor Basics

This section is just to describe a couple parts of the graph editor. There are a few key classes that need to be described before visiting each implementation.

1.1 ABGANDCondition 

In a conditional check, this checks that ALL AGSCondition evaluations check valid before allowing a graph node to execute.

1.2 ABGORCondition

In a conditional check, this checks that ANY AGSCondition evaluations check valid before allowing a graph node to execute.

1.3 AGSAction

This is an action item that can be configured to be executed at various nodes in a given graph (Dialogue, Quest, etc).

1.4 AGSCondition

This is a generic implementation that returns a true or false. Any Check can be performed, for instance you could check that you've completed a dialogue or quest prior to starting a new one

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