5-6-7 Task Setting - Follow up and Ticket Lifetime {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

A task must be added to the ticket. This is mandatory and the main purpose is to closely monitor the ticket. The tasks must follow standard times:

Type of ticket reply

Follow-up task date in

Ticket lifetime

General Inquiry

3 business days

Close after due date if no answer

Refund request

1 week

Close after due date if no answer

Booking requests

2 business days

Close after booking confirmed or denied

Confirmed Bookings

a. Before check-in, set follow-up task on check-in date (to check if the guest arrived)

b. After check in, set up follow-up task 14 days after arrival to call the guest and ask how the stay is going.

c. Set task on check-out date, to close the ticket.

Close the ticket once:

- checked-out

- booking cancelled

Denied Bookings

Set follow-up 2 regular days after guest informed that the booking is not confirmed

Close the ticket once the client has been properly noticed and continue as follows:

- if this derives to a refund, start ticket for booking request process.

- if this derives to relocation, start ticket for relocation.

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