What is Plagiarism in Academic Studies and What are the Types of Plagiarism? {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

What is Plagiarism in Academic Studies?

The most widely accepted answer to the question "What is plagiarism" is the act of presenting someone else's work as if it were his work. In other words, plagiarism is the copying of texts or ideas without citing the source, without proper reference to these sources, or by misreferencing, Write an essay for me and presenting them as if they belonged to you. Although copyright infringement is referred to with different expressions such as theft of ideas, theft of works, academic theft, or theft of labor, it is commonly referred to as plagiarism. Let's point out right away that paraphrasing the ideas and texts that you have copied without citing the source does not make the act of plagiarism to be plagiarism.

Is Plagiarism an Act of Fraud and Theft?

The following examples, taken from Cambridge University, will contribute to obtaining a healthier idea about the question "what is plagiarism". According to the University of Cambridge, examples of plagiarism include:

  • Quoting another person's work without citing the source

  • Using the ideas of others without appropriate attribution

  • Copy-paste as from the Internet

  • Paraphrasing the work of others by changing some words or the order of words without attribution to the source.

Moreover, according to the University of Cambridge, buying academic works such as articles, master's or doctoral thesis or university papers from different professional institutions or organizations are also common examples of plagiarism.

According to the US The Office of Research Integrity (ORI), plagiarism is clearly defined as a crime. According to the agency, plagiarism is both an act of theft and a violation of intellectual property and is considered embezzlement of someone else's intellectual property.

Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that plagiarism is an act of fraud, because you have both committed theft by stealing someone else's ideas and then acted unethically because you did not show an honest attitude about it. In summary, Write my essay online plagiarism is an act of fraud and a serious crime that can lead to sanctions that can end your academic life.

Before we move on to how to prevent plagiarism, let's take a look at the most common types of plagiarism to better understand the question "what is plagiarism":

What Are the Most Common Types of Plagiarism?

Understanding common types of plagiarism will help us answer the "what is plagiarism" question more clearly. Although there are many types of plagiarism, we will try to mention the most common types in this study. The main types of plagiarism can be summarized as follows:  

  1. Self-plagiarism or self-plagiarism

  2. Automatic plagiarism

  3. Global plagiarism (global plagiarism)

  4. Copy and paste plagiarism (verbatim plagiarism, copy and paste)

  5. Mosaic plagiarism (mosaic/patchwork plagiarism)

  6. Incorrect citation

  7. Plagiarism by changing sentences or words (paraphrasing plagiarism)

1- Self-plagiarism or self-plagiarism

 Self-plagiarism or self-plagiarism is when you publish a previously published article of yours as if it were new work, and is the unethical re-use of a previously published work. Even if it is your work, republishing a work you have published before is not considered an honest act and is considered plagiarism.

2- Automatic plagiarism

Automatic plagiarism is the use of some of an author's previous paragraphs in a news article without any reference to it.

3- Global plagiarism

Global plagiarism is when you take an entire piece of someone else's work and post it as if it were your own. This can happen, for example, when someone else writes an article, homework, or master's/doctoral thesis for you, or you find an online text and copy it as it is and present it as your work without citing the source.

Global plagiarism, which is a widely used method of plagiarism, is considered one of the most serious types of plagiarism because it involves the act of deliberate and direct lying about the authorship of academic work, and it can have very serious consequences.

3- Copy-paste plagiarism (verbatim plagiarism/(copy & paste)

In this plagiarism management, which has become quite common especially with the spread of the internet and information technologies and is known as the copy-paste method, we are talking about plagiarism by copying a text directly from a source and pasting it into your work without referring to the author or the work.

If the general sentence structure and most of the words are the same as in the original work, even if you delete or change a few words, this does not change the fact that the action is plagiarism.

If you want to use words or phrases from another author as in your work, you must refer to the source by quoting the copied text and adding in-text citations. Otherwise, your action may be considered plagiarism and may lead to undesirable consequences.

4- Mosaic plagiarism (mosaic/patchwork plagiarism)

Mosaic plagiarism means copying sentences, passages, and ideas from different sources as they are and putting them together to create a new text. This involves a slight rewriting of passages while keeping most of the words and structure in the original work intact. Although at first glance it seems as if it is more innocent because it requires more effort, especially when compared to plagiarism made by copy-paste method, it is considered as a more opportunistic and cunning act. However, it should not be forgotten that it is easily detected by institutions and tools that check for plagiarism and similarity, especially Turnitin.

5- Plagiarism by quoting incorrectly (incorrect citation)

As we emphasized above, the key to avoiding plagiarism is to always refer to the sources you use and use in your work. You must format your citations correctly according to the citation formatting rules you follow, such as APA or MLA.

If you do not include or misplace all necessary information, you may be plagiarizing. This is why most citation styles require that, in addition to in-text citations, you include a reference list, bibliography, or bibliography with full details of each source you cite at the end of your work.

6- Plagiarism by changing sentences or words (paraphrasing plagiarism)

Paraphrasing means restating someone else's text to have the same meaning as your own words. Changing sentences or words by paraphrasing without quotes is among the most common types of plagiarism.

However, let us immediately point out that as long as you quote your sources correctly and refer to the relevant author or work, it is not plagiarism to paraphrase the texts in question. However, when you review a source and then rewrite its key points as if they were your ideas, My premium essay it is seen as paraphrasing and considered plagiarism.

By the way, let's not pass without highlighting. If you are translating a piece of text from another language and planning to use it in your work, you must accurately cite the source and proper attribution. An uncredited translation is open use of someone else's ideas and is the considered plagiarism.

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