Application {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

You can apply to have a character or be a dungeon master.

  1. Fill out Application

  2. Applications should be PM’d by clicking here.

Helpful Resources: worldanvil, fantasynamegenerators,


Display Name: Your name on the saga of the crown site

Discord Username:

Preferred Pronouns:


Samples: Link them here

Introduction: A little bit about yourself. Also— What is your rp experience and where have you rp’d or written creative/fantasy things. Do you have experience with modding? Are you interested in modding? If so, what committee would you be interested in?

✔️ I have read, agree to, and understood the Tos/Rules&Regulations


Name: Fantasy, please.

Role(s): Occupation(s), Title(s), RPG class, and other “roles”

Gender: We accept all genders

Tribe (Race): Refer to lore

Soul Chamber Plot (Optional): If you choose from the soul chamber, you receive 10 Post Points

Luminaries: List out what kind of luminaries do you have your eye on? Do you want us to make a deck for you to work off of?

Personality & History Summary: Make it interesting and brief


What is your experience with being a dungeon master?

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