Mammals (Group 5) {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

A summary of what a Mammal is.

Mammals are a group of warm-blooded vertebrates.  They are characterized by mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding their young, a region for their brain, fur or hair, and three middle ear bones.  Their basic body type is quadruped, and most mammals use their four extremities for locomotion.


Below are some interesting facts about mammals.

Mammal Information

Interesting Facts about Mammals

Reproduction, Development and Parental care

Mammals usually give birth to their offspring.  There are a few egg-laying mammals. 

Reference the link below to find out about the differences in mating and reproduction. 


Mammal Reproduction

Embryonic development

How do various animals take care of their young?

Environment, Food and Senses

Mammals live in various different places all over the earth. They are of different sizes. There are mammals that live in trees, in the ground, even some that live in the water. Mammals are very versatile, which means they can adapt easily to almost any environment. To survive in these environments, mammals need to be aware of their surroundings. A way that they survive is by use of their senses.

Where do mammals live?

What do mammals eat?

5 Senses of mammals


Question 1: Explain what quadruped means.  Are all mammals quadrupeds?   

Question 2: Describe the mammalian diet.

Question 3: Describe parental care of offspring in mammals. 

Question 4:  Describe embryonic development. 

Question 5: Describe the environments that mammals exist in.

Question 6: Describe the senses of mammals.

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