Evaluation {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Here you will find the grading rubric for this assignment. Please carefully read each category for grading criteria. Understanding what is required from you as an individual and a group is very important to maximizing your grade for this assignment! Evaluations will be conducted strictly off of this rubric.

 Grading Rubric


Completion of all questions assigned to your group. All students are individually responsible for answering assigned question. Duplicate answers among group members will not be accepted and both members will lose points. Questions can be completed on electronic documentation as long as they are printed out and brought back to class for submission. Thorough answers for questions will be required, no one word or one sentence answers.

25 points

Group presentation. Presentation will be evaluated on knowing your particular subject well enough to teach your peers, presentation quality, presentation creativity, and presentation planning. All group members will be required to present a portion of the presentation with an expectation of 3 to 5 minutes per presenter.

50 points

Group participation. All students will be required to participate amongst their groups. All group members should have knowledge of their particular topic, and all members should be expected to present their material and answer any additional questions about their material.

15 points

Demonstration of understanding your assigned topic. Being the subject matter expert on your particular topic. If you are asked questions about your material, you should be able to answer them without issue. Understanding what you are presenting and being able to speak freely about your assigned topic.

10 points


100 Points


WebQuest Grading Rubric



2 points

2 points

Grade level

2 points

2 points

SC State Standards

2 points

2 points


20 points

20 points

Missing Images

2 points each (max 10 pts)

10 points

Broken links

2 points each (max 10 pts)

10 points


2 point each (max 10 pts)

10 points


2 point each (max 10 pts)

10 points


1 point each (max 5 pts)

5 points

Menu Bar

4 points

4 points

Lesson Content

45 points

45 points



120 Points







Pages you created

Content, creativity

60 points




Group Review & Assessment



Assign what you would give each group member

Maximum you can assign each person is 20 points

20 points




Overall Grade


200 points




{{{ content }}}