You should do it every time you use them {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Cleaning your sex toys is super easy, and you should do it every time you use them. Here's why: 1) You can get infections from exciting rose vibrators. Your body is warm, moist, and full of germs—and so are your toys. Bacteria can build up in crevices and cracks on a toy, which then gets transferred to your body when you use it. That's not something we want! 2) It keeps your toys from breaking down faster than they would otherwise. A lot of sex toys have porous surfaces (which means they absorb liquids), so if there's bacteria on the surface, that bacteria will eat away at the plastic or silicone over time until it breaks down completely. This can cause damage to the toy before its expiration date. 3) It makes your toys smell better! If you only clean them once in awhile (like after every use), then there's more time for bacteria to grow and make them smell funky before you clean them again. By keeping them clean regularly, they'll always smell fresh as a daisy!

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