With your favorite sex toy {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

There's nothing like a good, steamy session with your favorite vibrator. But when you're done, it's important to clean your toy so that you don't get any infections or other nasty side effects from bacteria. For many people, this is an intimidating process—but it doesn't have to be! Here are some tips for how to clean sex toys: 1) Soak the toy in warm water. This will loosen up any stubborn dirt and grime. 2) Use soap and water to wash off the item after the soak time has elapsed. You may want to use a mild soap (such as Dove or Cetaphil) if you have sensitive skin or allergies; otherwise, feel free to use whatever soap you think is best for your situation. Just make sure it's non-irritating! 3) Dry off the item before using it again—you don't want any moisture trapped inside leading to bacteria growth!

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