You should consider how you will use the dildo {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

You should consider how you will use the dildo sucking. If you want to use it for penetration, then you need to make sure that the dildo is not too wide or long. This will ensure that it isn't uncomfortable when inserted into your anus or vagina.If you're looking to use a dildo as part of foreplay or as an accessory in sex play with a partner, there are several different factors to consider:The first thing to consider is what kind of material makes up the toy. There are many different types of materials used in toys such as silicone, rubber and plastic; each gives off a slightly different texture when stroked against the skin and offers varying degrees of flexibility depending on its density level (e.g., soft vs hard). Silicone tends to be more expensive but also feels softer because its surface doesn't have any pores like other materials do; however if it does come into contact with other silicone products (which would happen if both partners were wearing them) then avoid this potential problem altogether by going with something made from nonporous materials such as hard plastic instead!Second think about size since this will play an important role when selecting which kind works best for satisfying all tastes including those who prefer thicker dimensions like myself.

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