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Now we come to a part that the Chinese publishers will certainly be happy about. The shop and all its many ways to spend money. Please don't let that tempt you! If you play a lot, you get a lot of free gold and therefore also free premium. A one-time investment at the beginning to afford premium for a little longer (at least 30 days) is a good idea. You get up to 2-3x as much free experience in the high tier compared to the start. So you don't necessarily have to buy new commanders with real money.

If you want to buy Premium, then make sure that you buy it directly from the shop and don't buy gold first and then use it to buy Premium. The prices are different there.

Payment is made in Chinese yuan 1 yuan = approx. €0.14 (in euros). Payment option: PayPal

There, for example, one notices:

I get 60 yuan = 1800 gold I get Premium for 60 yuan = 30 days. But I can only buy 30 days Premium with 2500 gold!!!

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