1) Game Settings {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

This guide explains which in-game settings make sense, which don't and which can even give you a strategic advantage over the enemy.


Here the tempers are probably arguing. Would you rather get high-end graphics or a tactical advantage? I usually play with all settings maxed except:

Grass: Low

Texture Quality: Low

Depth of Field: Off

Trees: Low

Because the fact is, if you play "Grass" or "Trees" with high graphics settings, you only have a limited view in these biomes. This becomes especially devastating when the opponent has placed stakes on the spot!


Increase Camera Height: Yes

Unit drag style: Yes

Holding ALT modifies: Yes

Auto attack setting: No


Display performance info: Yes

Audio and Voice:

Voice channel: No

Party chat Auto join: No

Team chat Auto join: No

Match Chat Auto join: No

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