6) Recruit / Daily Missions {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

In some games you can safely ignore these so-called "dailies", i.e. daily missions. In Total War: Arena you should not ignore them. Because you get through these valuable rewards, at least later...

Because the Chinese developer has introduced the so-called recruit missions. These are tasks intended for newcomers. The rewards here are comparatively small, but it's worth sticking with... The recommendation is therefore: Play these quests regardless of whether you also want to play the units in the long term. You can't delete these recruit missions, which means you're practically forced to play these missions. This slows you down quite a bit in the beginning as you can't just drag your favorite unit up to Tier X.

But it's worth it, because after the recruiting missions (according to various sources you need about 100 battles) come the daily missions, which are basically extended recruiting missions, but with much more lucrative rewards that you can also delete.

If you buy "Premium Time" you will get another slot for the daily missions, including special premium missions with special rewards.

You will receive 4 new missions daily at 5:00 p.m./6:00 p.m. (German time) These accumulate up to a maximum of 3-4 current missions + 12 missions in reserve.

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