11.9. Retreat button {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

A feature that is often overlooked. Below the Commander you have a button with "Fall Back". If you press this, a timer runs backwards by 5 seconds. As with the refresh, you may not suffer any damage during this time, only this time it affects all your units. If that was successful, you spawn with your units directly in your base and the healing counter of 15sek. begins.

Depending on which unit you play, what situation you are in and how big the map is, this can be a big advantage. Example: If you don't have a mobile unit, you may have to walk very far very slowly. If you have Cav, the path to the next respawn point may be longer than the path from your spawn to your destination. Your unit's death always grants the enemy a significant amount of XP towards the next rank up, so death should only be preferred to retreating in exceptional circumstances.

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