Drawers {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

The drawers are very useful for those who need more space and organization for their items.

They can be easily upgraded so you have more space!!

To learn the recipe for the drawers , search in the recipes tab ..

How to use:

1º -Craft your drawers

2º - To add items, point to the drawer with the items in your hand and click the right mouse button.

3º - To remove, point to the item in the drawer, and click with the left mouse button...

4º - To remove just one item or more items, point to the item in the drawer, press the "shift" button and click the left mouse button.

5º- The drawers have space limits, and for you to get more spaces, you can upgrade them using "Drawer Upgrades"

6º - "Drawer Controller", this drawer is to make your life easier, place it near your drawers, right click on the drawer control, put your item in the slot, and it automatically organizes the items for you!! !

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