๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Armors {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Armor is important for your protection, especially if you're going to get into combat.

You can use your armor , going to the " armor " tab , and placing it in the slots ..

You can craft some types of armor with different qualities, some can add health to the player, helping in their life regeneration..

- Wood : " Little protection and duration "

- Cactus : " Little protection and duration " โ€œ armor slots โ€œ

- Steel : " Good protection and reasonable duration "

- Bronze: "Good protection and longer life than steel"

- Gold " :  Good protection , reasonable duration , and health regeneration "

- Diamond: "Currently the best armor in the game"

In version 0.7, amulets were added, which can add attributes to the player, such as "speed, jump, gravity and fire resistance", the latter is not reliable, you can take damage.

Amulets can be placed in slots to be used along with your armor :

- Speed = 1

- Jump = 1

- Gravity = -0.7

- Fire = 5

โ€œ Amuletsโ€

You can also put your armors in the "armor stand" by right-clicking them, shields and amulets cannot be added...

You can craft two types:

Armor Stand = Can be removed by another player

Armor Stand Locked = Only you can remove them

With creative mode enabled, you will find more types of armor that can only be

crafted with certain mods installed !!!


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