Preparation for IVF treatment {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

When you know it's "all systems go" and you have a tentative date in mind, you may be thinking about preparing for IVF treatment and what you can do to give yourself the best possible chance of success. For most women, the whole process can be mentally and physically draining, as well as emotionally demanding, and by preparing yourself for the journey ahead, you can reduce the impact of stress and improve your fertility.

We all know how important it is to eat a healthy diet, but when you're trying to conceive, you put more emphasis on making sure everything you eat is good for you. You should focus on avoiding junk food, eliminating foods with additives and best infertility clinic in bangladesh those with trans-fats.

You should eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and try to ensure they are organic to avoid ingesting pesticides. Organic lean meat can also be consumed in moderation, as can dairy products. Some women find it helpful to take a specialized prenatal supplement, although this should be seen as something of an enhancement to an already healthy diet, not a replacement.

What you drink is also important. Drink at least 2 liters of filtered water a day and avoid caffeinated drinks. Some studies show that green tea is very helpful in preparing for IVF treatment and can form part of your daily fluid intake.

Stress is thought to have a negative effect when preparing for IVF treatment. However, stress is often caused by the treatment itself rather than external events. Some women find that visualization can help.

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