Hiking and backpacking - go on a trip! {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

If you are bored with your regular exercise, now is the time to change it for the hiking and trekking season. The water is cooling, the gyms are crowded and the fall colors are exploding on the trees.

Hiking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors while giving your body an excellent cardiovascular workout. It puts stress on your heart and lungs and best day hiking backpack works your lower back and abs.

According to the American Hiking Society, the average woman weighing 140-150 pounds can burn approximately 300 calories during a 40-minute hike at a moderate pace of 2 to 3 miles per hour. Carrying a light backpack will increase your caloric expenditure by at least 15%.

If you're out of shape or a novice hiker, start a regular exercise program that includes walking. Go for walks around the neighborhood or along the flat nature trails. Ask an outdoor supplier for the best trails in your area.

It is best to start below your fitness level so that you can comfortably complete the hike. The more you become a fitter, the more you can do; meanwhile, you will be able to adapt to the terrain both physically and mentally. Don't try hills on the first day if you're not used to them or if you haven't practiced regularly. Be sure to include lower body stretching and strengthening exercises in your routine.

For best results, stretch your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and lower back before and after hiking. Before you stretch, be sure to get the blood flowing in your muscles by walking slowly for 10 to 15 minutes.

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