Aim Pose Data {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}


Blended Weights

Aim Ready Pose Data

Ready to Aim Pose

Aiming Pose Data

Aiming Pose

Input Blend Pose Layer Setup

Bone layer settings for Blended poses

Pose Data

Idle Anim Pose

Animation poses in various states

Walk Anim Pose

Jog Anim Pose

Run Anim Pose

Crouch Anim Pose

Anim Pose

Anim Pose

Pose animation used

Explicit Time

The time position of the animation

Input Blend Pose Layer Setup,Modify the blended bones according to your own needs


Consider the following bone chain:

Here’s an explanation to the Blend Depth if you set it to a number greater than 0.

BoneName = Spine1

BoneDepth = 3

The blend strength of Spine1 will be 33%, Spine2 will be 66%, Spine3 and EVERY bone that is a child of Spine3 will get the full 100% blend strength.

The Bonedepth value basically allows you to get a smoooth blend… Compared to just setting it to ‘1’ where it will have all of the child bones have 100% blend strength.

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