Foundations Of TCF {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

The core systems consist of the following:

  • Ability System

as explained on the overview, abilities is the most important in the system, understanding this will be extremely crucial.

as abilities get bigger in size and amount, it will be important to keep them dependent on situations. say you clicked “left mouse” button which should fire a light attack. what happens if you wana do a special attack at some point in time ? most of you will add “if conditions” to solve the issue but that will get much largeer the more you add, so each ability has to communicate with something to confirm its conditions before firing. and for that, the state manager system was implemented

  • State manager system

Abilities cant just fire without changing the “State” of which the performing actor will be on, say you want to do a charging attack ability, that will come under the “attacking state” which will be fired before OR after that ability is fired. depending on the usage. in addition to that, states hold all the info about the abilities being performed and can easily communicate between them. based on the gameplay or mechanic needed, extending this will be simple and easy.

  • Attack Property

each attack/swing/projectile have very specific properties associated with it that will determine the type of reaction/damage/buffs/debuffs that will exist on the moment of impact. in addition to what is mentioned, you can add as many as you want of variables and properties with out making it considerable difficult to modify or extend.

  • Defense Property

in addition to the attack properties, each target will have different type of “handling” to each attack property. say a type of arrow is shot towards an enemy, normally, that should fire a hit reaction. but say your enemy is large in size to the point you don’t want him to react. that’s when defense property come in hand WITHOUT modifying the attack property and adding if conditions everywhere.


No doubt, thats just a small portion of the asset features but these are considered the most important, video tutorials will cover how this works so don’t worry about it.

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