Collision Manager Component {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

This Component handles all the tracing required to apply damage to targets that you can specify.

The functionality of it is also dependent on classes. in the provided picture, you will have few getters and some functions that are important to activate and deactivate a trace. “construct Trace Of class” will require a valid class inherited from “BP_TraceObject” and it will automatically add it to an array of “created” classes. but it wont be active until you specifically activate it with the functions provided in “BP_TraceObject”

After the creation of a trace,(which usally happens on begin play for an AI, or equipping of a new weapon for the player) you will need to sppecify its gameplay tag as well as what skeletal/mesh component that will use it.

with the provided mesh, you will need specific “sockets” that the trace will use to be able to perform the trace successfully.

of course, dont forget to assign the variables related to EACH specific trace class in the class defaults like shown here on the side.

and to toggle the trace on and off, we simply use “ANS_Trace” for every animation that is used. ofcourse you can also trigger it on and off using the “Toggle Trace function” that you can call from the trace object.

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