Enhanced Input & Input buffer {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}


the 3rd most important is the usage of enhanced inputs, the one provided by epic games. Its only on the player, and its usage is very crucial to Tempest Combat Framework. inputs here can be clarified much easier in comparison to the traditional input we all are used to at the day pf publication. if you look closely at the provided player controller, you can see things like this:

we can identify the type of input that is being fired from the “input action” pin. That pin is associated with specific states and abilities. you can see me explaining it more in depth in the provided youtube video here.

When the input gets called, first we need to verify if the input can be fired from the Data asset of the equipped weapon the player has, and that’s where “Can Fire Input” gets called. if you have a specific input you “DON’T WANT” to be fired when a certain weapon is equipped. you can simply not add it in the Data Asset. and it will not fire.

the 2nd macro is “Does State Allow Input”, this is more related to the input buffer, if a state is active and you click left mouse button for example to attack, it will first ask the state if it can be fired or not. meaning any state need to know what state can override them. if you have that set up by default for each state like the following, it will run just fine:

by default, its not set for every state, you would need to set it up for any state that you wana be overriden from other states out of the box at any given point. however, a small issue might rise from this, what if I want to allow a dodge input in the middle of attack, but not always at any given time ? what if I want it more specific to only a small duration ? the answer to this is the following anim notify state:

by doing so, you can allow anything, movement cancellation, chaning into a different attack, canceling out with a dodge, however you like.

and it doesnt end there, that specific input you fired didnt fire the input from the the controller, it first asked the active state about what it can do. say you have space set up to jump on the controller, the moment you click space , it will ask the active state about what a space can do before firing anything. and you can associate space to dodge if pressed mid attack, and not jump.

you have the picture provided on the left in your attacking state as you can see in the picture. this way we separated regular inputs from inputs DURING a specific state. which gives you far more power with what you wana achieve and at what point.

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