Data Assets {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Like Mentioned in the “Weapons & Data Assets” section, the data assets are either assigned in the weapon for the player OR on the AI it self.

  • Player Data Asset:

For the Player Data Assets, we have 4 main sections like shown above. The player inputs is responsibile for reading the inputs associated with that specific weapon you have. Abiliities has info about the Ability as well as what montages you wana use for that ability. “states To create” has a list of all the states you will be performing and finally “Attributes to Create” have all the info the weapon holder will have like stamina or health, etc.

we will get into more detail for this on the video tutorials.

  • AI Data Asset:

Just like the player character, except that instead of inputs, we have info about the AI, and what BT and Controller it will be using.

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