Command Planet.Animals {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

This command can change the Planets animals section in mod's Configuration File values ​​during the game.




Copy : Copy the definition of the target profile informed as first option.

Set: Set the value informed as first option with the value informed as second option.

Add: Add the animal informed as first option in the spawn list.

Remove: Remove the animal informed as first option from the spawn list.

Clear: Remove all animals from spawn list.

Use of “Copy” operation:

Use this command to copy all definitions of water from one planet type to another.


/planet.animals $ copy Moon

/planet.animals Triton copy Europa

Need restart to apply.

Use of “Set” operation:

Use this command to set a value from the animals configuration with the value wanted. Valid entries:

Decision fields, accept true/false values

  • DaySpawn.Enabled: Enables/Disables spawning creatures during the day.

  • NightSpawn.Enabled: Enables/Disables spawning creatures at night.

Range values, you need to inform 2 integers separated by "|" where the first must be smaller than the second.

  • DaySpawn.SpawnDelay: Creature spawn time during the day.

  • DaySpawn.SpawnDist: Creature spawn distance during the day.

  • DaySpawn.WaveCount: Creature spawn amount during the day.

  • NightSpawn.SpawnDelay: Creature spawn time at night.

  • NightSpawn.SpawnDist: Creature spawn distance at night.

  • NightSpawn.WaveCount: Creature spawn amount at night.


/planet.animals $ set dayspawn.enabled true

/planet.animals Triton set dayspawn.spawndelay 300|500

Need restart to apply.

Use of “Add” operation:

Use this command to add the animal informed in the spawn list.

Valid animals:

  • SpaceSpider

  • SpaceSpiderGreen

  • SpaceSpiderBrown

  • SpaceSpiderBlack

  • Wolf

  • deer_bot

  • deerbuck_bot

  • Horse_Bot

  • Cow_Bot

  • Sheep_Bot


/planet.animals $ add SpaceSpiderBrown

/planet.animals Triton add Wolf

Need restart to apply.

Use of “Remove” operation:

Use this command to remove the animal informed from the spawn list. The valid animals are the same of Add operation.


/planet.animals $ remove SpaceSpiderBrown

/planet.animals Triton remove Wolf

Need restart to apply.

Use of “Clear” operation:

Use this command to remove all animals ids from the spawn list.


/planet.animals $ clear

/planet.animals Triton clear

Need restart to apply.

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