What are some familiar literary devices? {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

A poet is not just the one who puts together random words to mean something. It is much more than that. The meaning conveys through its intended definition as well as the decorated words that give poetic pleasure. 

A poet and an English essay writer use literary devices to enhance the target meaning. English essay help in the USA provides with the familiar literary devices given below-

  1. Satire-  A satire is a critique of the ridicules and vices of any person or society, expressly in contemporary politics and other issues.

Jonathan Swift's Gulliver’ travels is the master example of Satire in literature. He critiques the human race as slaves to unmanageable forces. The race of Yahoos is the direct attack on all the bad things about humans.

  1. Irony-  It is the form of a literary device where the words or situation intended to mean the opposite for emphatic and humorous effect. There are many types of ironies used by writers. 

In Macbeth by Shakespeare, the character Macbeth appears to be loyal to King Duncan from his words and actions in front of him. The irony is that he was planning for his murder.

  1. Metaphor- When a word or line is connected or applied to any object or action. It creates a detailed or short analogy between the word and the action.

William Wordsworth's famous poem ' I Wandered Lonely as a cloud' is the perfect example of a metaphor. 

  1. Allegory- The poem, story or any picture that has the caliber of having the concealed meaning in terms of moral or political means. It paints the picture in a way that hooks the reader into knowing the intended meaning.

TS Eliot's 'Waste Land' is one of the examples where he hides the notion of war.

  1. Euphemism- Euphemism is the substitution of something that is considered to be harsh. 

Thomas Hardy's Afterwards, ‘If I pass during some nocturnal blackness, moth and warm’, is a good example.

  1. Flashback- It means what the name suggests. Assignment Writing help in the USA uses flashback to engage the readers. The narrative is shifted or the writers indicate with the sign or the direct shift.

  2. Juxtaposition - The placement of two or more than disparate characters, places, concepts and themes together to invoke the differences. 

John Milton in Paradise Lost uses juxtaposition to contrast the bad qualities of Satan to good qualities of God.

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