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You will be divided into groups of 4 students by random. I will pick 5 students to draw names from a hat. Once names have been drawn, you are stuck in that group. (NO CHANGING! We all must work together!)

You may not exceed your budget, but it is acceptable to use less than you have.

Example: You may not spend $1200 if your budget is $1000, but you can spend $880!

****Each student will have an individual assignment while planning the vacation.****

  • Student 1 : You are responsible for finding lodging for the group. You have a budget of $1500. You may NOT go over $1500 while you’re planning. You are tasked with finding lodging for a total of 6 nights for 4 people. Remember : You have 4 people staying so you may need to book more than one room depending on the sleeping situation you all settle for.

  • Student 2 : You are responsible for seeking out attractions to occupy your group on their 7 day vacation. Some questions to consider are the boardwalk, game centers, souvenirs shops, museums, and the beach itself! Going to play on the beach itself it free. You have a budget of $400. Remember do you not have to over plan for your crew!

  • Student 3 : You are responsible for eating plans! Will your group prefer to go to restaurants or will you plan to cook some days? You have a budget of $800 to plan with. Remember that eating at your residence on vacation is not a bad thing! You do not have to eat a fancy dinner every night.

  • Student 4 : You have one of the most important tasks! You must plan how your crew will get to the beach! Your group will be assigned an SUV to travel in. You must research how many miles your SUV will get on average for each gallon of gas to purchase. Please remember gas prices and how far you must travel! You must travel 204 miles from Aiken to myrtle beach!

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