Werewolves and Sexuality {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Working Thesis

The curse of the werewolf is a metaphor for our fear of overt sexuality. Such acceptance must be met with brutal violence, which makes the werewolf the perfect carrier for America’s social anxiety toward sexuality.


1) to identify and explain the argument that is being presented in a specific text and 2) to provide your own evaluation of their argument. Your critical analysis will explore how different authors interpret the metaphorical

meaning of popular culture’s most iconic monsters.

I. Introduction

A. Hook/Quote/Anecdote

B. Introduce topic

C. Introduce my 4 articles

D. Working Thesis: The curse of the werewolf is a metaphor for our fear of overt sexuality. Such acceptance must be met with brutal violence, which makes the werewolf the perfect carrier for America’s social anxiety toward sexuality.

II. Article #1

A. Present author’s argument

B. Evaluation of their argument

C. Evidence to support my evaluation

III. Article #2

A. Present author’s argument

B. Evaluation of their argument

C. Evidence to support my evaluation

IV. Article #3

A. Present author’s argument

B. Evaluation of their argument

C. Evidence to support my evaluation

V. Article #4

A. Present author’s argument

B. Evaluation of their argument

C. Evidence to support my evaluation

VI. Conclusion

A. Why you should give a damn about this topic - This is why you should care about werewolves being a metaphor for our fear of sexuality.

I. Introduction

A. Hook/Quote/Anecdote

B. Introduce topic

C. Introduce my 4 articles

D. Working Thesis: The curse of the werewolf is a metaphor for our fear of overt sexuality. Such acceptance must be met with brutal violence, which makes the werewolf the perfect carrier for America’s social anxiety toward sexuality.

II. Present each author’s argument about this topic

A. Article #1

B. Article #2

C. Article #3

D. Article #4

III. Evaluating each author’s argument

A. Article #1

B. Article #2

C. Article #3

D. Article #4

IV. Evidence to support my evaluation of each author’s argument

A. Article #1

B. Article #2

C. Article #3

D. Article #4

V. Conclusion

A. Why you should give a damn about this topic - This is why you should care about werewolves being a metaphor for our fear of sexuality.

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