What are the Types of Research Paper? {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

As a college student you are required to write research papers and boy, it could be a backbreaking task if you have no clue how to write a research paper.

When you are writing a research paper, you need to first determine the type of research you will be doing. There are three main types of research: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Each has its own set of pros and cons.

Fortunately, you can buy cheap research papers online from a reputable assignment writing service, and turn in well written papers and expect excellent grades.

Literature Review 

A literature review is a comprehensive overview of the body of work on a particular topic. It is usually composed of five to eight sections: introduction, background information, study of the selected texts, analysis and conclusions.


The introduction should provide an overview of the topic and introduce the selected texts. Background information should provide detailed information about the selected texts, their authors, and their historical context. 

The study of the texts section should look at each text in depth, examining its strengths and weaknesses. Analysis and conclusions should offer a synthesis of what was learned from the selected texts and propose ideas for further research.

Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is a short piece that describes a particular subject in detail. It should introduce the subject matter and provide a general overview of it before delving into specific details. 

The essay should also include a thesis statement that explains what the author believes about the subject matter. 

The main focus of a descriptive essay should be on describing rather than analyzing or judging the subject matter.

Descriptive essays can be either narrative

Thesis Research Papers

A thesis research paper is a type of paper that is typically required for graduate school. The thesis paper is essentially your thesis statement- the main idea that you want to explore in your paper. 

This type of research paper is usually divided into two parts: the introduction and the body. The introduction will summarize the key points that you want to make in your paper, and the body will contain the bulk of your research findings.

One important tip when writing a thesis research paper is to avoid presenting your findings in a way that is too general or vague. Try to include specific examples and explanations to support your points. Additionally, make sure to cite all of your sources properly! Failure to do so may result in major penalties in grad school admission committees.

Analytical Research Papers

Analytical research papers are typically used to gather data and analyze it in order to come up with a solution or answer a question. They can be written about a specific topic, event, or trend and can be used for a variety of purposes, including school reports, business reports, and scientific papers.

Argumentative (Persuasive) Research Paper

Argumentative research papers are designed to persuade an audience of the validity of a certain argument. The main goal of an argumentative paper is to provide evidence that supports the argument being made, and to disprove any opposing arguments. There are several different types of argumentative research papers:

Persuasive essay: A persuasive essay is designed to convince the reader that a particular position is correct. Persuasive essays typically employ persuasive techniques such as persuasive rhetoric, logical reasoning, and evidence.

Argument analysis: An argument analysis paper examines a specific argument and evaluates its strengths and weaknesses. This type of paper can be used to improve one's Argumentation skills.

Debate: A debate is a formal debate between two or more participants in which they argue a given issue. Debates can be conducted in either oral or written form.

Cause and Effect Paper

Cause and effect papers are one of the most common types of research papers. A cause and effect paper looks at how one event caused another, or how one thing affects another. This type of paper can be difficult to write, but it can be a fun and interesting project. Here are some tips for writing a cause-and-effect paper:

  • Start by brainstorming all the possible causes and effects that you could think of. This will help you to focus your research later on.

  • Once you have a list of possible causes and effects, start researching each one separately. This will help you to determine which ones are actually relevant to your topic.

  • Once you have researched each cause and effect, start piecing them all together to create a story. Try to make your story as accurate as possible, so that your readers will be able to understand it.

  • Finally, polish your story until it is perfect before submitting it to your professor or writing group.

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