How to Make Your Newborn Comfortable: 5 Tips {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

As a new parent, one of the most important things you will need to do is get your baby comfortable. Sure, they may look adorable while they’re sleeping, but eventually they will want to move around and explore their surroundings. 

Making their new home as comfortable as possible will help them adjust better and ensure a peaceful sleep from day one. Here are some tips on how to make your new born comfortable: 

Get a crib

If you're looking to prepare your home for the arrival of a new baby, there are a few things you can do in advance. One of the most important things is getting a crib. Cribs come in many different styles and materials, so it's important to find the one that will best suit your needs. Here are some tips on choosing a crib:

  • First, consider what type of nursery you want for your newborn. If you have space for a traditional crib with rails, go for it. If not, look into convertible cribs or co-sleepers.

  • Next, think about how often your baby will need to be moved around. A small or medium-sized crib will be perfect for an infant who spends most of his or her time at home but may need to be moved into the living room or nursery if you go out frequently. A large crib is better if you'll be traveling frequently or plan on having more than one child in the near future.

  • Finally, consider what budget you're comfortable spending. Cribs can range from around $50 to $1,000+. It's important to find something that will last long and meet your needs while also being affordable.

Get a bassinet

If you have a room that can accommodate a bassinet, this is an easy and comfortable way to keep your little one close by while you work or relax. Bassinets come in all shapes and sizes, so there’s sure to be one that will fit into your home décor. In addition to being portable, bassinets often have vibrating motors that help soothe a fussy baby. 

Get a changing table

If you're looking to make breastfeeding easier, a changing table is a great way to do it. They're also great for older babies and toddlers who need somewhere to change their clothes. Plus, they're perfect for when your child starts school and needs somewhere to store their clothes. Here are some tips on choosing the best changing table for your needs: 

  • Consider the size of the changing table. Most tables are standard dimensions of 55" by 30". If you have a large room or many children in your household, you'll want to get a bigger table. 

  • Think about what features you need. Some tables have built-in storage, others have built-in lights, and others have both features. You may also want different features depending on what your child will be using the table for - a changing station for newborns might not require as much storage as one for older kids. 

  • Think about how often the table will be used. If it's going to be used mostly during feeding times, a cheaper model may do just fine. But if it's going to be used more frequently throughout the day, you'll want something that's more durable. 

  • Be sure to test out the table before buying it so that you know whether or not it's comfortable for you and your child to use.

Use a swaddle

A weighted swaddle is a great way to soothe and comfort your new born. Place the infant in the center of the swaddle, making sure the arms and legs are confined.

Hang the swaddle from one shoulder, folding over one corner so it forms a pouch. Tie the ends of the swaddle together, placing them over the infants' chest. Holding onto these loops, gently tuck-in one end of the blanket or burp cloth so it covers most of your baby's body.

Now tie a knot at either end of your blanket or cloth to keep it in place securely around your baby's chest and waist. If you're looking to cosily swaddle your new born, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the baby is properly clothed for the weather (typically new-borns don't need extra clothing).

Next, make sure the swaddle blanket or cloth is large enough so that it covers both the baby's head and body. And finally, make sure the baby is comfortable and doesn't move around too much.

Get a nursing pillow

If you're looking for a nursing pillow to help soothe your new little one, there are a few options on the market. Some are designed specifically for breastfeeding mothers, while others can be used for both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding.

The most important factor to consider when choosing a nursing pillow is its size and shape. Make sure the pillow is comfortable enough to rest your head and neck on comfortably throughout the night, without being too large or small. You may also want to consider features like cooling capabilities or extra padding.

If you're breastfeeding, some nursing pillows come with a built-in bra pad that helps keep your breasts comfortable while you sleep. Other nursing pillows come with an attached clip system that attaches directly to your nursing bra. Either way, make sure that the pillow has straps so you can easily adjust it as needed.

Another important consideration is whether you'll need to machine-wash the nursing pillow covers. Many of them are made from soft, breathable materials that will quickly absorb spilled milk or sweat, but some covers do require washing in cold water and air drying.

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