5 Signs You are a Bad Essay Writer {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Most students dread writing essays. They see it as one of the most difficult tasks on their college applications, and for good reason. But whether you’re a first-time essay writer or a veteran, there are some signs that you may not be doing things right. 

If you are a terrible essay writer, submitting an essay you’ve written isn’t a good idea. Therefore, it is a good idea to visit https://writeessay.us/ and hire professional essay writers to make your essays look good.

In this post, we’ll explore five of the most common signs that you are a bad essay writer and how to rectify them. 

You're not quite sure where to start

If you're struggling to come up with ideas for your essay, or if you feel like your essays always sound the same, it might be time to take a look at your writing style. 

When you start talking about your ideas without really getting to the point, it's clear that you aren't sure how to organize your thoughts. This makes it difficult for readers to follow what you're saying and leaves them feeling lost.

Whenever you feel the need to add unnecessary words or phrases in order to make your point, you're doing yourself a disservice. This makes your essays harder to read and understand, which can lead people away from reading them altogether.

Whenever your essay starts veering off course, it's clear that you don't have a clear plan or idea of where you're going. When this happens, readers will quickly lose interest and will be less likely to finish reading your essay.

You are using common words and phrases

If you find yourself using common words and phrases in your essays, it's time to buck up and revaluate your writing style. While these words and expressions may be standard in everyday conversation, they can quickly lose their impact when read on a page. By trying out different phrasing and vocabulary, you can inject some life into your writing and make it more accessible to readers.

You use too many passive verbs

Passive verbs often imply that something is happening without any input from the author – for example, the sun was shining. Instead of using passive verbs all the time, try to take control of the sentence by being more active. This will make your writing more dynamic and engaging for readers.

You're recycling old ideas

If you've been writing the same essay over and over again, it's time to start branching out and exploring new territory. Be daring; experiment with different structures, tones, and approaches to see what catches your reader's attention.

When writers resort to cliches or tired metaphors, they run the risk of coming across as superficial or unoriginal. Instead of recycling old ideas, why not explore new ground? This will help you stand out from the competition and impress your professors/readers with your creativity and thoughtfulness .

Your thesis is weak

A strong thesis statement proves to be the foundation of an effective essay. A thesis should be clear, concise and persuasive. It should also be well-defined and succinct. It should not be vague or broad. In other words, your thesis should be bulletproof. If it's not, your essay may suffer in the overall quality of its writing. Here are five tips for crafting a strong thesis statement:

Be specific: Give readers a clear sense of what you're arguing for by providing concrete examples and details. For instance, rather than saying "I believe that all students benefit from engaging in extracurricular activities," say "I argue that engaged student athletes are better academically performers." This makes your point much more easily understood and will help support your argument throughout the rest of your essay.

Be reasonable: Don't exaggerate or go off on tangents just to make your point – focus on making a solid argument that can stand up to scrutiny (and counter any opposing arguments). Be honest about the evidence you have at hand. Make sure to cite sources where appropriate so that readers can assess the veracity of your claims for themselves.

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