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Group 1.

Each student will choose one leader from the Union listed below, and write a short biography. Be sure to include their early life, position held, death, and contribution to the war. Group members will then work together to design a yearbook of these leaders with their descriptions, contributions to the war, and create superlatives for each and present it to the class.

Leaders: Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, George Mcclellan, William Tecumseh Sherman.

Group 2.

Each student will choose one leader from the Confederacy listed below, and write a short biography. Make sure to include their early life, position held, death, and contribution to the war.Students will collaborate to create a brochure of these leaders explaining their effect on the war and how they relate to each other and present it to the class.

Leaders: Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson, Braxton Bragg.

Group 3.

Each student will research one of the major victories and events of the Union army. Students will then work together to create a PowerPoint presentation of the major battles to teach the class. Include major leaders, casualties, weapons used, and the significance and effect of the battle. Each group member will be responsible for one slide.

Major Union Victories: Battle of Antietam, Siege of Vicksburg, Sherman’s March to the Sea, Battle of Gettysburg, Appomattox Courthouse

Group 4.

Each group member will research one of the major victories and events of the Confederate army analyzing it’s relationship to the outcome of the war. Students will then work together to create a Prezi presentation of the major battles. Each member will be responsible for designing a slide of the battle that they researched. Important information to include: Leaders, casualties, and effect of the battle.

Major Confederate Victories: Attack on Fort Sumter, First Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battles of Cold Harbor

Group 5.

Students will perform a skit portraying the life of former slaves to the class. Each group member will be responsible for researching one of the following: Daily Life (living conditions, jobs, education). The Freedman’s Bureau, Legislation that was passed, and Black Codes.

The skit should incorporate your research and give an insight to what it was like to live as freed slaves in the South.

Life After Slavery

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