Common Questions Regarding Horse Syndication {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Do you want to buy a thoroughbred racehorse? Well, we have a better idea; why not try syndication? To own a racehorse syndicate is the new trend. And we're here to assist you in finding the answers to frequently asked questions about syndicated content.

What Is It?

In a horse ownership syndication, several people band together to buy stock in a promising equine for a seasoned event rider. In addition to paying for the horse's real purchase price, the ownership also includes the cost of keeping the horse in good condition each year.

What Should I Do First If I Want To Start A Syndicate?

To start a syndicate, you must first choose a particular horse or select what qualities. When you finish this, you should calculate the amount your syndicate will need to raise. You should speak with an equine attorney to form a customized syndicate agreement.

How Do I Decide The Purchase Price For An Ownership Interest?

You should factor in the cost, including legal fees and state filing fees, which the attorney can provide, vetting and transporting the horse from its current owner to you, insuring the horse for a year, commission, and any other potential costs when calculating the ownership interest purchase price.

What Does A Yearly Maintenance Cost Entail?

All syndicate members contribute a portion of the annual maintenance fee. You must decide on this price and review it with prospective owners, so they know their ongoing financial responsibilities and their one-time payment for the ownership interest.

What Should I Be Doing To Keep My Syndicate Running Smoothly?

Keep all syndicate owners informed about your horse and include them in any interesting developments. To ensure that your owners have a great experience as syndicate owners, ensure they feel included.

What Financial Records Should I Annually Provide To My Syndicate Members?

The Operating Agreement may require regular budgeting reports and other periodic financial accounting. Work with your accountant to comprehend the annual financial reports you must give your syndicate owners.

<b>Closing Up</b>

Now you know how you can buy a thoroughbred racehorse without a mad investment!

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