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In this section each person in the group will find out what they are needed to do to make sure the group is able to have an effective science experiment as a group.

  • Purpose- this person is in charge of figuring out and telling the group what is needed to create a meaningful purpose


  1. Why is the purpose important to conduct an experiment?

  2. How must the purpose be written for the experiment?

  • Research- this person is in charge of figuring out and telling the group what you must do to make sure the research is effective


  1. How much research is necessary to have an effective experiment?

  2. Why is research important to a science experiment and the scientific method?

  • Hypothesis- this person is in charge of figuring out and tell the group what is needed to create a hypothesis


  1. Why is a hypothesis needed to have an effective science experiment?

  2. How is a hypothesis supposed to be written?

  • Experiment- this person is in charge of figuring out and telling the group what is needed to have an effective experiment


  1. What things are needed to have an effective science experiment?

  2. Why is the experiment important to the scientific method?

  • Analysis- this person is in charge of figuring out and telling the group what the analysis is


  1. What are different ways to analyze the data collected from the experiment?

  2. Why is the analysis important?

  • Conclusion- this person is in charge of figuring and telling the group what a conclusion is


  1. What is the purpose of the conclusion?

  2. How long should the conclusion be?

Here are the 4 resources needed to complete the individual portion the assignment:

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