Hunting and Applying for a job that matches ones Adops experience is a difficult task. And as experience year count goes up, goes up the hassles. Here are couple Tips and Tricks on how to use your network (at office, ex office or linkedin etc) to help secure the next assignment. So lets get started >
First and foremost, never be too comfortable at your current organisation and be under the impression “I am irreplaceable”. At the time of need, any employee could be under the hacksaw.
Your resume needs to be of max 2 pages. Highly preferred of 1 page with highlights of important terms and phrases.
At your current organisation, whenever you come across a just-joined colleague, onboarded client (and the contacts associated) or a new contact for the existing accounts - Search and add them to LinkedIn+ Skype+ Phonebook that day itself.
For LinkedIn, you may follow UPC-123 rule, that is: Update your resume once everymonth + Post relevant industry or self related posts twice a week + Comment on other posts atleast 3 times in a week. This helps in better brand recall your contacts mind.
Any certification that’s relevant is super important and does need the Digital Marketing universe to know about the same. Hence the moment you complete a course and receive the certification upload and update both Linkedin, your CV.
In my opinion, Shine.com and Indeed.co.in (in addition to LinkedIn) have the most relevant Digital Marketing (and Adops) related listings at any given point of time. Hence keep your profiles updated on these 2 sites too.
We are slowly transforming to a realtime culture (instant search, instant drink, instant delivery, instant hiring and instant firing). Hence employee referrals (like in most part of the world) here too would gain priority soon enough. Be in good rapport with your ex-colleagues and LinkedIn network.
Apply for new jobs in these timeframes: Weekdays, before office starts (6-9AM) and around lunch (1-4PM)
Weekends are the least performing time to apply for a job unless the HR is working on weekends too.
Invest in purchasing a domain (www.yourname.ext). You might setup the homepage to be your LinkedIn profile. Do save your updated cv on a subfolder (www.yourname.ext/cv). Share this link and you may run analytics too to understand how your profile or CV is doing. This is helpful and saves time when you need to share the same at the earliest with a recruiter.
Never reply with an instant ‘No’ to job enquiries you receive while you are not looking for a change. Politely decline and besure to save the recuiter’s phone and email id for future reference.
Have ample certifications done and include relevant certifications for relevant jobs.
Last but not the least, always consider yourself an important and knowledgeable professional irrespective your work experience. Be proud of your technical skills and adops in general. Your skills are like the keylock expertise which only you possess.
Believe this helps.
Cheers! www.debaroongupta.in (Team Adops)