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Values in social practice

Here I would like to present essay on social topic like values as human life’s feauture. An identification of the major values is critical for shaping one's practice and making it more professional. Some of the occupations are subjected to the codes of ethics established by the professional organizations, whereas the others are guided by the traditional beliefs and assumptions of the people who represent these professions. In such a case, an individual statement of values might also be helpful in improving one's practice as well as adhering to the world recognized practices. For me as for the writer who produces most of my works on social themes for social work essay writing service these values include the dignity and intrinsic value of any person, competence and self-determination.

The daily routine of the social workers might be challenged by the presence of the people who are not as pleasant and polite as the rest. Instead, the social workers are frequently obliged to work and communicate with the residents who might be affected by the physical or mental illnesses, thus not capable of maintaining the polite and friendly dialogue. The others are suppressed by the life hardships, and the social workers frequently become the victims of these people’s negative attitude due to the condensed stress they experience. Sooner or later, social workers start to seek protection and relief on their own. Some of them might even choose to become less human in the workplace and treat people more as work affairs, cases, situations than as the human beings with their individual stories and problems. Yet, in such cases, the social workers should check their values in order to remain professional and to treat the people in the appropriate way. Every person should be treated equally as he or she has an inherent dignity that is to be respected regardless of any circumstances. For any person, the value of his/her dignity ensures that the person is treated in the same way regardless of the circumstances and the location. In the USA, this value is particularly important considering the multinational composition of the population and the fact that the social workers should deal with the different layers of population ranging significantly. More than that, they frequently reveal the details of their private lives to the social workers, who still should keep a professional and prejudice attitude towards these people regardless of what they share.

Another value that is to be definitely incorporated into the practice of the social workers refers to the competency. Though this occupation is one of the low-paid in the USA, it requires quite a substantial emotional input and intellectual strain. The workers stumble over the different cases, and frequently these cases are unrelated. Furthermore, they might be aggravated by the additional circumstances, all of which are to be handled by the social workers. Thus, the latter have to upgrade their competence base and the set of skills on the ongoing basis to ensure that the social problems are resolved, but not left unattended. The low quality of the services provided by the social workers might result in the extension of the problem and its penetration into other areas of life. The process of maintaining the competence might be especially challenged during the middle of the career as during this period it is hard to understand one’s potential, assess the skills and abilities and determine which future steps need to be taken. Thus, the social workers might benefit from the online courses or the ones delivered at the classic educational establishments. The soft skills are particularly important for the social workers as they can literary open the hearts of the people whom they have to deal with and be critical in finding the solution in a complex case.

Eventually, the self-determination is important for the practicing and handling of the most diverse cases involving social issues. Basically, the self-determination refers to the ability of the person to pass the decision and be in control for the personal life and the treatment of other people. Moreover, this also relates to one's right to determine the life’s direction. The self-determination as the value also requires one to accept the full responsibility for the life choices, especially the ones related to the building of the relationships with others. The circle of friends, colleagues and other close people should be determined by the person only. All in all, the self-determination provides for putting the person’s interests in the center of everything. In a certain way, it might sound selfish; yet, serving the others might sooner or later result in the spiritual and existential crisis for the person.

In conclusion, the statement of the values might contribute to the improvement of one’s professional practice as it sets certain standards that should be followed by the person in his or her daily practice. The values represent the core beliefs that are also important for the decision making and generating of the solutions in the complex cases that are handled by the social workers. The respect towards the dignity of every person is important for treating everyone equally, whereas the maintenance of the competence and the ongoing learning ensures one’s competitiveness and usefulness for the clients and those who seek help of social workers. Eventually, the self-determination is essential for prioritizing one’s interests and advancing the practice towards the achievement of the set goals. Though the list is not exhaustive, it still encompasses the most critical guidelines as how to treat patients and colleagues in daily activities.

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