What are common mistakes in the essay conclusion {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Avoid using "in conclusion" or similar phrases. This includes "in summary" or "last."

  • When these phrases are used in writing, they often sound forced, unnatural, or trivial.

  • Also, using a phrase like "in conclusion" to start the conclusion is a very direct way and often leads to a weak conclusion. A strong conclusion can stand on its own without tagging it with those elements.

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Do not wait to reach the conclusion to present the thesis. While it may be tempting to save your thesis for a dramatic ending to your report, this will make your report look less cohesive and more disorganized.

  • Always state the main argument or thesis in the introduction. A research report is an analytical discussion on an academic topic, not a mystery novel.

  • A good and effective research report will allow the reader to follow the main argument from beginning to end.

  • That is why the best practice is to start the report with an introduction that sets out the main argument and culminate with a conclusion that restates the thesis to reiterate it.

Skip the new information. A new idea, a new subtopic, or new evidence is too important to reserve for a conclusion.

  • All important information should be mentioned in the body of the report.

  • Supporting evidence expands the subject of your report by making it look more detailed. A conclusion should reduce the topic to a more general point.

  • A conclusion should only summarize what you have already stated in the body of your report.

  • You can suggest or request that further investigation be carried out, but you should not mention new evidence or facts in the conclusion.

Avoid changing the tone of the report. The tone of the investigation report should be consistent from start to finish.

  • Typically, a change in tone occurs when a research report with an academic tone contains an emotional or sentimental conclusion.

  • Even if the subject of the report is of personal importance to you, you should not indicate it in the report.

  • If you want to give the report a more human approach, you can start and end it with a story or anecdote that gives the topic a more personal meaning for the reader.

  • However, this tone must be consistent throughout the report.

Don't justify yourself. Don't make statements that downplay your authority or your findings.

  • Justification statements include phrases like "I may not be an expert" or "This is just my opinion."

  • Statements like these can generally be avoided if you don't write in the first person.

  • Avoid using first-person statements. Speaking in the first person is often considered very informal and does not match the formal tone of a research report.

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