Challenge-based Training… The New Evolution To Private Lessons? {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Across the board with any activity, private lessons have been a gold standard when it comes to learning anything. Private lessons open up so much possibility for a student. It can help those who are struggling to learn basic concepts, as well as help advanced students take their practice to the next level. 

Private lessons allow a student to:

  • Go at their own pace. 

  • Not be self-conscious about not grasping basic concepts or being slow to comprehend. 

  • Allow them to work on what they want to excel in. 

  • Allow them to advance and not be held back by other students who are not grasping concepts as quickly. 

  • Book lessons when it most convenient for them and their schedule. 

These factors contribute to private based training being the universal preferred method. However, as we all know, private lessons often come with a hefty price tag. This is what prevents a lot of people from taking advantage of this type of learning method.  

The Birth Of Challenge-based Training

Since most people are not ready to indulge in private lessons due to the cost, an alternative has come about. The creation of Challenge-Based Training accompany by the concept of Time-Lapsed Training has become the wave of the future. 

Being able to see the challenges that are required to advance to the next level provides a world of advancement and possibilities. Not only will the student be able to see a snapshot of advancement, but this will also spark motivation within them. Plus, this type of training will allow the student to build their own roadmap to the results. 

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Challenge-Based Training is built to cater to each. This type of learning will allow the student to watch and practice the videos in their own time. Allowing them to advance towards success at a faster pace. 

Challenged-Based Training can be done right in the comfort of your home. This allows all the issues of being self-conscious to go away. You will be surrounded by your comforts, which will allow you to advance at a faster rate. Plus, there will be no issues of scheduling conflicts that often come with private instructions. 

Benefits Of Challenge-based Training

Challenge-Based Training has all the same benefits that private lessons can offer. However, this type of training has some advantages over private instruction. These are what we call the “Three C’s” and include: Control, Convenience, and Compartmentalization. Let’s look at each and the advantages that they offer you. 


The student will have all challenges and instructional videos available to them at all times, which means that they can train at the frequency and intensity that they want. They can choose how long each of their learning sessions is. This may mean that the student chooses to practices at large or small intervals depending on their comfort level. They may even choose to train for longer periods of time throughout the week and then choose to take some days off. It is completely up to you as to how often and when you train. You have control when it comes to Challenge-Based Training. 


Most private lessons will be catered around a student’s schedule. However, there are still some obstacles to getting the student’s and instructor’s schedules to match. This could be challenging if the instructor is highly sought after. 

With Time-Lapsed Training, students will have the ability to connect to their instructor at any time. They can submit questions and or challenges whenever they want. With a simple upload, a student can advance to the next section of their training. The instructor will review the video within a specific time frame and respond to the student. This type of training allows students to work with any instructor across the globe despite time zones. 


Challenge-Based Training allows the student to keep all of their training memorialized according to topic, difficulty, and date learned. This is something that private lessons can not offer. In a single private lesson, the best students will only retain 50% of the information that they are taught. 

The compartmentalized organization will allow the student to easily search for the answer to their questions and seek the training that they are looking for. It can all be accessed with a few clicks and a keyword search. Students will have access to their training anytime and anywhere. This will also allow students to look back and see how far they have progressed through the years. It can serve as a digital “Learning Scrapbook.”


If you wanting to see the significance of the “Three C’s,” we do not need to look any farther than the evolution of our “Live Communication”. Live communication has always been the preferred method of communication. This type of communication offers instant feedback. However, things changed when text messaging came about. Most people agreed that this type of communication would fit a specific niche, but they never expected it to grow to the level that it has. 

So, with the “Three C’s” texting (or any form of instant messaging) is the predominant form of interactive communication. If most humans are gravitating towards using texting as a form of communication, would it not be reasonable to think that the next evolution of live lessons (private lessons included) would be Time-Lapsed Training? This type of training has more to offer a student in today’s world than any other training.

Read the original blog here - Challenge-based Training… The New Evolution To Private Lessons

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