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Students will not be able to surf the internet in this interactive and fun lesson! Students must ONLY use the links that have been provided to them.

All groups will use the same links.

Student Resources

Pattern Fish

Click on the title PATTERN FISH and it will take you to the interactive read aloud.

Students will watch this read aloud as an entire class

and then proceed to the game and IXL activity.

That's A Pattern

Click on the title That's A Pattern to get to the game.

Students will work with their group to complete the game successfully. Each person gets a turn.

Let’s Practice Growing Patterns

Click on the title Let's Practice Growing Patterns to get to the game.

Students will individually complete IXL. Students will use their login information and work on growing patterns. Teachers will be able to see if students mastered the concept once they are finished.

Page by Santanna Templeton

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